SAFE Horse Quiz

Ten questions chosen from a list of dozens! How many can you answer correctly?

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SAFE Horse Quiz

A quiz about riding, horses, history and literature!

1 / 10

How many species of Zebra are there?

2 / 10

In the 1960s (yes, I know, before your time), there was a TV comedy show about a talking horse.  What was his name?

3 / 10

Are mustangs...?

4 / 10

Coopenhagen was ridden by which historical character?

5 / 10

A famous dish contains the name of Napoleon's horse. Which is it?

6 / 10

What animal's name means "River Horse"?

7 / 10

How many horses pull a troika?

8 / 10

What animal has been famously described as "a horse designed by committee"?

9 / 10

Are horses colour-blind?

10 / 10

The Dickin medal (the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross) has been awarded to how many horses, up to 2018?